Artwork by Kristi Kongi “Roosad ja rohelised. Tükike violetti – Rahu” / “Shades of Pink and Green. A piece of Violet – Peace”
Painting installation with Estonian Modernist painter Henn Roode. Client: Artist Kristi Kongi Work commissioned by Kumu Art Museum for the Art Museum of Estonia 100 exhibition “Open Collections: The Artist Takes the Floor” Curator: Eha Komissarov Venue: Kumu Art Museum Date: 05.07–10.11.2019 Exhibition space: Kumu Great Hall The wooden structure constructed by Valge Kuup. Installation and deinstallation of the artwork by Valge Kuup. Kristi Kongi: “My painting installation “Shades of Pink and Green. A piece of Violet - Peace” is based on my research of the body of work by Henn Roode, an Estonian Modernist painter. Before I could execute my ideas in space, I had to first thoroughly research the concepts, shapes, structures, and themes that the artist had used. I experimented with different ways of how Modernism could be depicted in contemporary painting. As a result I decided to create a spatial installation by extending the Modernist elements of Henn Roode’s paintings into space. All the elements – colours, shapes, forms, and materials are equally important and central to the concept. This is why I turned to Valge Kuup for help with the installation of my art work. I could use their amazing studio, which was just the best place to think and work during the whole process. Valge Kuup also helped to execute my installation. I like that they never let you down, all problems are swiftly solved. They offer outstanding quality in every sense. I enjoyed the cooperation with Valge Kuup very much.” |